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How this bronze player got into gold (League of legends)
How to EASILY Escape Bronze, Silver, and Gold (Rule of 33)
Bronze Player GENUINELY THINKS he deserves challenger
How a CHALLENGER Felt LOST in GOLD ELO! - League of Legends Guide
How to ESCAPE LOW ELO - League of Legends
What EVERY Bronze & Silver Player NEEDS To Know For Climbing To GOLD
The 10 RULES for ESCAPING LOW ELO (NOT CLICKBAIT!) - League of Legends
This Delusional Iron 4 Player bought a 1000 LP Challenger account and brought it to Bronze in 1 week
Hardstuck Iron in League - the final raid boss(cant miss this)
"I feel like I should be gold by now" - a bronze player
I Was Wrong About Playing In Bronze
Bronze player learns how to CARRY games - LoL Coaching